
Our team could take the worry out of industry-specific implementations, allowing you to deploy industrial IoT solutions within manageable project schedules. We could set up a cloud platform with a central rules engine coupled with powerful data crunching capabilities to deliver revolutionary insights for your specific industry.

Our team could work with your organization to implement Industrial IoT solutions that enable:
Integrated View

View data from multiple locations on a single dashboard/portal

Asset Management:

Track and guard high value assets deployed at various locations

Remote Monitoring

Monitor machines and access data from anywhere via mobile apps.

Operational Efficiency

Increase output with real-time insights into production bottlenecks.

Predictive Maintenance

Avoid breakdowns with accurate prediction of failure and condition monitoring.

Informed Decisions

Accelerate critical decisions with intuitive visualizations and predictive modelling.

IoT can be used in industries as varied as Agriculture, Manufacturing, and Healthcare, to name a few: A few sample usecases of IoT in Healthcare are below:
Smart hospitals

5G connectivity serves as a catalyst in the transformation of hospitals into more intelligent healthcare facilities, optimizing the efficient utilization of resources. Hospital administrators can effortlessly monitor the availability of equipment, supplies, beds, and even staff.

Electronic medical records (EMR) / Electronic health records (EHR)

Utilizing IoT, patients’ health data can seamlessly integrate with a digital health record system (EMR/EHR), accessible through web and mobile applications. This integration facilitates the effortless exchange of patient information among healthcare professionals, equipping them with essential medical background for more effective and informed treatment decisions.

Equipment and patient-tracking solutions

IoT technology helps quickly find medical tools and facilities, making hospitals work better. It stops medical devices from getting lost and makes hospitals more efficient. It can also keep an eye on patients and healthcare workers in real-time, making sure everyone gets the help they need on time.

IoT smart beds

Monitoring patients’ vital signs and overall well-being is a fundamental responsibility of healthcare institutions. Integrating these features directly into hospital beds can enhance the efficiency of medical facilities. Leveraging a variety of IoT medical devices and network- connected sensors, we can create smart beds that prioritize patient comfort without compromise.

Wearable healthcare devices

Some of the patient’s health metrics can be gathered only through close skin contact for seamless and continuous monitoring. Wearable medical devices equipped with 5G
connectivity can measure a range of vital signs, including respiration rate, oxygen levels, heart rate, blood pressure, and even the sleep patterns.

Remote patient monitoring with telemedicine

Telemedicine is a ground-breaking concept that empowers doctors to remotely diagnose and monitor patients. Leveraging IoT based healthcare solutions, regardless of geographical distance, physicians can maintain constant awareness of their patient’s well-being.

IoT medication management

Effective medication management plays a pivotal role in the success of any medical treatment. IoT medication solutions, such as IoT pill dispensers, offer a means to remind patients of their medication schedules. Additionally, they enable caregivers to monitor medication dosages taken by the patient and assess the necessity for refills.